Grizzly Man

Posted on Jul 16, 2008

蒂莫西·崔德威尔(Timothy Treadwell),十三年来的每个夏季,他都会前往阿拉斯加的灰熊栖息地,尝试了解和保护这些远离人类的动物。2003年10月,崔德威尔和女友艾米·胡格纳德的遗体在卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区宿营地附近被人发现。种种迹象表明,他们遭到灰熊的攻击,肢体已经残缺不全。一个和灰熊相处了十三个夏秋的孤独男人将他的一生献给了他至爱的熊。




最后,用片尾的歌词来结束吧,它很好地诠释了崔德威尔这个与众不同的 Grizzly man ……

Was a cowboy I knew in south Texas His face was burnt deep by the sun Part history, part sage, part mesquit He was there when Poncho Villa was young

And he’d tell you a tale of the old days When the country was wild all around Sit out under the stars of the Milky Way And listen while the coyotes howl

And they go… poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

Now the long horns are gone And the drovers are gone The Comanche’s are gone And the outlaws are gone Geronimo is gone And Sam Bass is gone And the lion is gone And the Red Wolf is gone

Well he cursed all the roads and the oil men And he cursed the automobile Said this is no place for an hombre like I am In this new world of asphalt and steel

Then he’d look off some place in the distance At something only he could see He’d say all that’s left now of the old days Those damned old coyotes and me

And they go poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

Now the long horns are gone And the drovers are gone The Comanche’s are gone And the outlaws are gone Now Quantro is gone Stan Watie is gone And the lion is gone And the Red Wolf is gone

One morning they searched his adobe He disappeared without even a word But that night as the moon crossed the mountain One more coyote was heard

And he’d go, poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo poo yip poo yip poo poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo